
What We Do

System 1-2-3 takes the time to get to know you, your team and your program. Because of this, we are able to offer a variety of personalized and targeted professional development options that will support your program goals and match your budget.

Setting Support

(Can now be offered virtually through Meerkat Village)

System 1-2-3 facilitators visit your setting and join teams of teachers, therapists, parents, coaches, and consultants. They observe, ask questions, develop ideas, and share insights. They help move the team from problem to planning to paper to practice. They encourage, find strengths, challenge, and support revised practices when needed.

Setting support averages about 7 hours per month for 3 months, however, it can vary greatly with the intensity of the presented challenges.

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Kristin Schwartz, Emotional Support Teacher for Pittsburgh Public Schools, talks about System 1-2-3’s setting support.
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Cathy Stanley, Program Officer for Pittsburgh Public Schools Early Intervention Program, talks about the customization process.

Project Leadership

(Can now be offered virtually through Zoom)

System 1-2-3 facilitators work with organizational leaders to envision, plan, and sustain growth. Leadership teams include administrators, directors, principals, and program officers, and may also include teachers, therapists, or parents. Topics include outcome planning, prioritizing needs, and enhancing multi-tiered systems of support for children.

During the initial project planning, the leadership team usually meets 2-3 times, and then quarterly moving forward.

PD Workshops and Small Group Facilitations

(Can now be offered virtually through Zoom)

System 1-2-3 facilitates groups around priority topics and current challenges to leverage encouragement, ideas, and support from the collective experience of the group. These small groups are comprised of individuals who share responsibilities or have similar roles. The most common roles in small groups are supervisors, coaches, managers, consultants, and directors charged with building the capacity of direct service educators and therapists.

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Play Video

Kim Dellefemine, Program Officer for Pittsburgh Public Schools Early Childhood Education program, talks about System 1-2-3’s impact across program roles.

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Jocelyn Debick, Director of Children’s Services for accessAbilities, Inc., talks about how System 1-2-3 supports professional growth.

Professional Development Workshops

(Can now be offered virtually through Zoom)

We design and facilitate workshops on a variety of topics. The focus of all workshops is participant engagement and application of concepts in the context of their real challenges.

Workshops are usually between 1.5 and 3 hours. System 1-2-3 facilitators have a variety of certifications including PQAS and PBIS.
Click here for a menu of workshop titles.

Resource Development

System 1-2-3 has a long track record of developing original and practical resources to address identified needs. Those resources range from program-wide protocols to materials for supporting classroom and individualized behavior interventions.

System 1-2-3 original resources and their revisions have been used in hundreds of settings and presented at multiple local, state, and national conferences.

Get Started Today

Let’s set up a time to talk about how we can meet the needs of your program.